Expand creativity and
explore the future of scienceSechi Kato Program

RIKEN takes initiatives to facilitate the success of female researchers and to promote hiring of talented female researchers.

Work at RIKENSupport systems and benefits to underpin your success

At RIKEN, various support systems are in place to facilitate a research environment that is friendly to everyone. RIKEN has been actively introducing systems to support balancing childcare, family (long-term/nursing) care, medical treatment, etc.

Shine at RIKENWomen at the forefront

Introducing RIKEN’s outstanding female researchers from its early days to the present, from diverse perspectives.

For the development of scienceContributions to a sustainable future

With the mission of fostering researchers who will forge the future of science, RIKEN promotes initiatives to expand the base of research talent by sharing the appeal and fun of science and holding exchange events with researchers.